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Bittern's Last Flight - 30th December 2014

As featured in Steam Railway Magazine February 2015

"Even in the 21st Century the steam engine still evokes the nostalgia of days gone by"

A new magazine "Great British Locomotives" has just been published. Issue one features the A4 class of locomotive with a free OO gauge model of Mallard. My photograph of 4492 "Dominion Of New Zealand" adorns the front cover. Order your copy at your newsagent or via the publishers website 

 just click on the cover image.

The Spring 2014 "Chime" magazine featured my photograph of A4 60007 Sir Nigel Gresley on the front cover. The magazine is the voice of the engines owners, the Sir Nigel Gresley Locomotive Preseervation Trust. Copies of this print are available to order via my Portfolio page.

Steam Railway and Heritage Railway recently published my shot of the LNER line up at the Mid Norfolk Summer Gala. Indeed Steam Railway liked it so much they published it two months running including the inside back cover of their August 2014 edition!

Steam Railway magazine  published my photo taken at the Epping Ongar Railway. Copies of the print are available for order via my Portfolio page.

Video of the 1940's Gala at the Severn Valley Railway July 2014




© 2015- Andy Bishop Photography

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